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British Citizen

British Citizen

Find out what the rights and responsibilities of a British citizen are. Discuss why rules or laws have to be passed for communities to function properly. Children work in groups to list the ‘rules’ needed in their communities, e.g. home, town, school, clubs.
Sexual health

Sexual health

Session 1 - Have discussion about contraceptives as a way of preventing an unwanted pregnancy, but also explain that they can help protect against sexually transmitted infections and diseases. Use drama to practise saying no to peer pressure for smoking, alcohol or drugs. Children design warning labels. Session 2 - Discuss one sexually transmitted disease / infection in more detail – HIV / Aids. Ensure children understand difference between having the virus and the syndrome. Watch a video by children living with an HIV mother and discuss stigma involved with HIV / Aids. Look at statistics and discuss Memory Books and World Aids Day. Suitable for Y6 pupils.


Examine the system of apartheid through a class role play activity. Introduce Nelson Mandela and discover what children already know about him. Children reflect on their own feelings during the role play. Start reading Journey to Jo’burg. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Can You Carry It?

Can You Carry It?

How hard can it be to carry water? Children find out the facts and discuss images of different ways of carrying water before trying themselves. Through activities on the playground children experience that water is heavy and challenging to carry over distances. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Campaign for Clean, Safe Water

Campaign for Clean, Safe Water

Watch campaign films that educate people about the dirty water crisis in Africa. Children consider the hard-hitting facts learned and record how this makes them feel. Discuss what makes these films effective, in preparation for planning own films in the next session. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Healthy Proverbs

Healthy Proverbs

Discuss African proverbs about health and their meanings. Children design their own posters or prepare a drama /freeze frame to show meaning of healthy proverb. Compare to healthy proverbs/sayings in the UK? Suitable for years 5 and 6.
From the Sporting Shadows

From the Sporting Shadows

Since the ban was lifted South Africa has become one of the World’s top sporting nations and has even been awarded the World Cup in 2010. But what impact did the ban have on the lives of South Africa’s sporting stars of the past?
Mandela and Poverty

Mandela and Poverty

Children study a Mandela speech on poverty and analyse why it’s so importance in terms of content, context and process. Children plan and write their own speech on the right to education. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Mandela and Education

Mandela and Education

This session examines through real stories the varied reasons why 40 million children in Africa don’t attend school. Children play a ranking game to explore obstacles to education. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
My Life is Different

My Life is Different

Look at case studies from different African countries and using the healthy box discuss what things are missing from the healthy box, which explains diffs between the UK & Africa. Children share their case studies and key points. A focus on children’s health. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Needs and Wants

Needs and Wants

Look (again) at the list of UN Children’s Rights. Discuss whether or not children feel they have all their rights and explain how various people and organisations can help achieve them if not. Learn some words and phrases in link school’s language (or Swahili). Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Reception Fiction (Buildings): Stories about homes and houses (weeks 1-3)

Reception Fiction (Buildings): Stories about homes and houses (weeks 1-3)

Listen to stories about different homes for people and creatures and decide where they would like to live, Home by Alex T Smith, The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse by Helen Ward, and Diary of a Wombat by Jackie French and Bruce Whatley. Children write their own version of The Town and Country Mouse and use The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch by Ronda and David Armitage to plan best lunches. Keep diaries, make lighthouses and stormy music.
Clean hands

Clean hands

Keeping our bodies clean and rested also helps us to remain healthy. Washing our hands after using the toilet and before eating is important. Investigate the best way to remove bacteria from your hands. Suitable for Year 2 pupils. Find other lesson plans and resources at www.hamilton-trust.org.uk.
Who wants to grow up?

Who wants to grow up?

Children continue to explore how our bodies and minds change as we get older and how this might affect us in old age. They go on to explore their feelings and frustrations about wanting to be older.
We All Say Hello

We All Say Hello

Play circle games to practice greeting each other confidently. How many ways do children know to say hello in a different language? Learn 3 new ways.
Animals including Humans - Healthy Animals - Year 2

Animals including Humans - Healthy Animals - Year 2

Hatch eggs and study the life cycle of chickens. Build understanding that exercise makes the heart work harder and that it is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Find out about healthy lunch box foods before designing and sharing your own snack. Includes 6 session plans & resources 01 - Hatching eggs! 02 - Babies! 03- Stranded! 04 - Healthy hearts! 05 - Deep inside my lunch box! 06 - Pack a healthy picnic! Hamilton’s science scheme provides children with a broad but comprehensive experience of primary science that systematically covers all of the National Curriculum for England objectives. Each year group is split into 6 blocks of 6 sessions, each of which can be completed within a half-term. We present them in a recommended teaching order, but you may adapt this to fit your requirements. Working scientifically, investigations and meaningful outcomes are fully incorporated in each block.
Animals Including Humans - The Art of Being Human - Year 6

Animals Including Humans - The Art of Being Human - Year 6

The link between the arts and science has always been a complex one, but you are going to create an exhibition of art work that not only reflects the beautiful complexity of the human body but also acts as an accurate and informative presentation of the complex systems that help make us human. You will need to exhibit your art for others to see and learn from. Includes 6 session plans & resources: 01 - Blood composition and function 02 - The heart 03 - Nutrient detective 04 - The circulatory system 05 - A healthy body: diet, exercise and lifestyle 06 - A healthy body: drugs and alcohol Hamilton’s science scheme provides children with a broad but comprehensive experience of primary science that systematically covers all of the National Curriculum for England objectives. Each year group is split into 6 blocks of 6 sessions, each of which can be completed within a half-term. We present them in a recommended teaching order, but you may adapt this to fit your requirements. Working scientifically, investigations and meaningful outcomes are fully incorporated in each block. Find out more: www.hamilton-trust.org.uk/scites
Keeping fit

Keeping fit

Being fit means you have stamina, your body is flexible and your muscles are strong. Discuss the effect of exercise on bones and muscles, and that blood vessels carry oxygen and food to all parts of the body. Illustrate favourite ways of keeping fit. Suitable for Year 2 pupils. Find other lesson plans and resources at www.hamilton-trust.org.uk.
Lunch boxes and favourite juices

Lunch boxes and favourite juices

Children select ingredients for a healthy and an unhealthy lunchbox. Introduce the concept of 5 portions of fruit or veg per day. Conduct a survey about favourite fruit juices and draw pictograms and block graphs. Draw and label healthy lunchboxes. Suitable for Year 2 pupils. Find other lesson plans and resources at www.hamilton-trust.org.uk.
Feeling Welcome

Feeling Welcome

New arrivals in Britain should be made to feel welcome. Think about children moving to a new school from another part of Britain or from another country. Children create posters or write leaflets to welcome newcomers to their school.